General Opinion jo grams General Opinion jo grams

Opinion 01 - COVID 19

An opinion on Covid 19 and the effect on Real Estate


Fear of the unknown in uncertain times can create a reluctance to make major decisions.
There is a new normal that is still evolving.

After the Canterbury quakes there was a new normal. On reflection many many wished they had been bolder.
This new normal is different because it is universal. The financial forces in play have been, for some, catastrophic. There is no golden egg in the form of insurance.
We become the authors of what happens next. We get to chooses the way forward. As the weight of the changes in our personal circumstance becomes more and more apparent, what we do about it becomes more urgent and significant.

What we know-

  • There had been a shortage of homes

  • Air BnB has become less viable

  • Mortgage rates are incredibly low

  • Many short term renters (from overseas) have gone home

  • Kiwis living aboard may return home to NZ ( currently the third safest country to be in)

  • People have lost their incomes

  • In the short term, New Zealand will focus more on production (for local and overseas markets) then tourism

  • Tourism will be focused on New Zealanders in New Zealand

    All of these things will influence the supply of homes for sale. they will also effect values, perceived and real.

    The lockdowns have given us a lot of time for looking at ourselves and our families. Time to reflect on what is important to us. What we do with all of this information is up to us.
    We can sit on the fence or we can make decisions.

    Cheers ,

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